popular social networks Twitter and Facebook. add adidas

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Designed as a concept, the Adidas Facebook Superstars are a play off of the project that Adidas did in 2006 to celebrate its 35th anniversary. Emblazoned with the Facebook logo, the mission statement and of course sporting the customary Facebook blue color, they’d certainly be a shoe to send a message.
Designer Gerry Mckay struck the classic Adidas Superstar sneakers logos Facebook and Twitter, and painted the shoes in brand colors social networks.
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The Adidas Facebook shoe includes the Facebook logo (on the back and on the tongue), the color theme, the font and even two separate slogans printed inside the shoe that read: “Facebook is a social utility that connects you with the people around you” and “Making the world open and connected”.
The Twitter shoe is a little more subtle, with the color theme not as bright, the Twitter bird on the back, and the font created.
The idea of producing “social sneakers, however, is not new. In early January, the designer Ricardo Nascimento demonstrated sneakers, which are reported in Twitter just about every step of its owner. They got the name Rambler – translated to English means “backpacker” and “gossip and empty words.” 